Friday, February 11, 2011

The engagement...

Tengboche Monestary, Nepal
In December 2008, Bryan surprised me with an amazing gift- a trip to Mt Everest! What? We are going to Mt Everest for a month? Crazy-YES. Exactly what we needed,-YES. Well after several camping trips, hiking adventures in San Diego and gearing up for the cold, we set out on what would be a life changing trip. We spent an epic month traveling through the Himalayas, ending in Thailand and coming home with a new perspective on how life could be. Our trip was amazing! We met incredible people (you know who you are), and we further developed trust and respect for one another in the challenging environment of the trek.  Bryan is a very organized man. He had everything planned from day one of the trip. He carried my engagement ring around his neck for 19 days in  a pouch. I never suspected a thing. Then, at approx 15,000 ft, at Tengboche monastery, the monks were awaiting our arrival . There was a tea ceremony, chanting and the honor of my true loves hand as he knelt down before me. He read a beautiful poem, surrounded by our fellow trekkers, asked me to marry him. WOW, I was not sure if it was the lack of oxygen or the moment that took my breathe away, but I was dizzy.  We were smiling brightly for the rest of our trip (except for the Kathmandu illness part).  
Me: Am I ready to get married again? Me: no. Me: Am I ready to share my life with an amazing guy who inspires me to live and play, and supports me in ways I never imagined possible in a partner? Me: YES. Im a lucky girl. My answer was YES. 

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