Monday, May 30, 2011

Four months away...

Life is busy. Planning a wedding while living life is crazy busy. It took us 3 months of planning to get our engagement pictures snapped. We have been engaged for over a year, but getting an afternoon coordinated with our manic work schedules and life obligations, not to mention scheduling with our photographer- was nearly impossible. This is proof it happened. There is a good story to go along with that particular day, to be shared later..
Despite the madness of our lives, the party must go on. We have made time for joy and found time to plan our celebration. Truly, the emotional journey of this past year has brought us closer and forced us to reflect on why September 17th is so important to us. This will be our day to share with our friends and family, hand in hand, declaring our union and beginning our new life together.  This is a day we will celebrate for the rest of our lives. Im sure it will seem overwhelming when the day comes, but I have no doubt each and every moment leading up to it will shine through that afternoon. We have made the major decisions, now just for the final details. Thank goodness for the talent and patience of Jen's sister Deanna. Without her, we would be getting married at the courthouse and eating burritos.  (which sometimes sounds really fabulous) We are putting together a beautiful, memorable day. Its starting to feel real and getting pretty exciting. We are probably most excited to simply bring our friends and family together and share the same space with our most beloved on a sunny fall afternoon! Bring your festive party spirit and help us celebrate!

Please join us by staying at the Carlsbad Inn resort Friday 9/16- Sunday 9/18 if you can! Ask for King-Radovich wedding for group rates. Book soon --September is the peak season on the coast!